Avoid the bad reviews blues

Avoid the bad reviews blues

Bad online reviews got you down? There's actually a silver lining. Plus: The alarming braces trend that dentists need to know. Welcome to this edition of Dental Bite. 

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In today's newsletter:
💠 The online resource helping dose patients
💠 Dusting yourself off from a bad review
💠 Internal teeth bleaching: A case study
💠 Converting callers to first-time patients

  • Katie Parsons, Editor

Online drug resource helps prescribe medications

A new online drug interaction resource is helping dentists make safer, informed prescribing decisions by offering easy access to critical medication interaction data. Author Aubrey Glassberg spoke with Barbara Madej, RPh on how to bridge the gaps in communication and understanding. Barbara provides helpful resources for safely prescribing medications including the new Digital Drug Handbook. (Dentistry iQ)


How to avoid the bad reviews blues

Have you ever had a bad review that really dampened your spirits? On this episode of the podcast Dentistry Unmasked, Flint Geier discusses bad reviews, how to prevent them and how to use them to improve your practice. Hint: Being proactive instead of reactive is key! (Dental Economics)

Voices from the Industry-

Converting new patient calls to booked appointments

Would you like to effectively convert 70% or more of your new patient calls to actual booked appointments? Dental practice coach and host Gary Takacs reviews what is needed to become more effective in turning calls into appointments, including how to train staff for better first impression conversations. (The Thriving Dentist Podcast)


Case study: The internal bleaching technique

Internal bleaching which manages the internal tooth discoloration is a great service to provide to patients. This case study presented by Melissa Seibert, DMD, MS describes the step-by-step process of this technique, including the risks and benefits of internal bleaching. The pictures she provides show how this is yet another way of helping patients obtain a brighter smile. (Dentistry Today)

Small Bites

💠 Is exposure to high levels of fluoride lowering IQs? 

💠 Energy drinks and their damaging effects on oral health 

💠 Buffalo dental school featured in "Unsolved Mysteries"

💠 Are you aware of these three alarming dental trends?


We'd love to feature you: Interested in having your dental practice highlighted in our newsletter? Email us for details. 

What we're watching: The Nifty Thrifty Dentists videos on YouTube, with weekly videos to help you save money in your practice. 

Who we are following: Instagram's @teethtalkgirl, aka registered dental hygienist Whitney DiFoggio, for her real-world tips for patients and dentists. 

Happening now: September is Office Management Appreciation Month. Tell yours why they're doing a great job.

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