Dentists: Three ways to strengthen your staff

Dentists: Three ways to strengthen your staff

How do you create a strong team in your dental office when job candidates are in short supply? We look into making the most of the dental labor shortage in today's edition. But first: this dental clinic is offering free care to anyone and everyone on Monday, Dec. 23rd for the 39th year in a row! 

In today's newsletter:

🔷 “Woke coke” for the eco-conscious?
đź”· Dr. George F. Grant Day celebrates one man's innovation
đź”· Tips to build a world-class team
đź”· A new type of diabetes: 1.5


What makes us smile: The St. Apollonia Dental Clinic's 10th annual Festival of Trees brings in over $170,000 for children's dental care.

What's on our radar: No matter how "eco-conscious" a drug dealer claims to be, "woke coke" is still a big nope. Terrible for oral and overall health. 

What we're keeping an eye on: Four stocks to watch amid the dental supply challenges. 

Dentist worth celebrating: George Franklin Grant, DMD was the first African American faculty member at Harvard, a pioneering dentist in Boston and the inventor of an early composite golf tee made from wood and natural rubber. Dec. 12, 2024 is the 125th anniversary of his patent and was recognized as Dr. George F. Grant Day in the town of Arlington Heights, Mass., where the invention occurred.

Plus: Check out the 2024 Townie Choice Award winners. Dentaltown invited verified members to cast their votes for the products, services and equipment that enhance their workflows, productivity and happiness for teams and patients. If you’re on the hunt for improved products or services, look to see what your colleagues recommend most!


Building a world-class team

How do you build a world-class team in an environment of intense staffing shortages and less skilled applicants combined with complex dental technological advances? Start with the hiring process. Roger P. Levin, DDS discusses the three things you should look for when hiring so your practice can have a stellar team. (Dentistry Today)

Self-reflection and the dental practice

As we approach 2025, we can all reflect on past successes and perhaps failures of this past year. Self-reflection allows you to consider your own journey and how you can leverage experiences to fuel future success. Everyday Practices Dental Podcast co-hosts Regan Robertson and Bruce B. Baird, DDS share insights and invite listeners to reflect on their own journey and consider what they can do to enhance their personal and professional lives. (The Productive Dentist Podcast)

Is there a best type of dental practice?

Practices range from solo or group practices, partnerships, DSO-employed dentists and more. So which is the best type? It comes down to two simple factors: the individual’s career satisfaction and the financial opportunity throughout their career. Read more about the advantages and disadvantages of different types of practices and which may be best suited for you. (Dental Economics)

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